Anchor Charts in Secondary Social Studies Professional Development

Have you heard about anchor charts but you are unsure how to implement them in secondary Social Studies? Are anchor charts a tool you find valuable but you are looking for more ideas? Check out my online professional development course created specifically for secondary Social Studies teachers!

Anchor Charts in Secondary Social Studies

This online professional development course will explore the many different ways anchor charts can benefit you in secondary social studies. You will learn:


•The purpose of anchor charts.

•How anchor charts benefit students.

•The many different ways you can use anchor charts in your classroom.

•Tips for how to plan and create your own anchor charts.


✨This course will be broken up into 3 different parts – the first of which is a 20 minute video on anchor charts. Be sure to print the Anchor Chart Doodle Notes to accompany the video.


✨After you have finished watching this video, you will move on to the second part, which is looking at more examples of anchor charts. I have created an Anchor Chart Manual full of ideas for you to look at. This manual is over 100 pages! Each page is a different image of an anchor chart for you to examine. Images include examples for US History, Texas History, and Social Studies Skills.


✨The 3rd part is creation. You will receive two different anchor chart kits in this training. You can choose to make one I have provided, or create one of your own.


I hope you enjoy making anchor charts as much as I do!

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