School Purchase Orders:

  • I am happy to accept purchase orders from schools and districts that would like to purchase resources to support their teachers and their students.  Please contact me for more information. The quote will be based on single-teacher use licenses. 
  • A teacher license is for a single teacher on a campus.  Instructional coaches and district coordinators will receive a free account with campus or district purchases.
  • Discounts are provided for multi-year (3 and 5 years) purchases.
  • Do you need the word wall terms for a year printed? Be sure to ask for that option when you request a quote.  

Social Studies Success Limited License:

  • Social Studies Success, LLC®. All rights reserved. Social Studies Success® is a trademark of Social  Studies Success, LLC®. This product is to be used by licensed teachers only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view.  Please do not upload to a shared computer space! Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license.
  •  With purchase, Social  Studies Success, LLC® grants the purchaser a limited, transferable license, subject to the terms of this Agreement, to access and use the Social Studies Success® website, and related content, materials, information (collectively, the “Content”) solely for approved purposes as permitted. Permission is granted to transfer the license within the purchasing campus or district. Any other use of the Content is expressly prohibited and all other right, title, and interest in the Content is exclusively the property of Social Studies Success®. You are permitted to use the resources for instruction with your students. You agree not to transmit, distribute, sell, license, reverse engineer, modify, publish, or participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, or in any other way exploit any of the Content, in whole or in part.  You agree that Social  Studies Success, LLC® owns all intellectual property rights, title, and interest in and to Content and derivatives thereof.
  • Your license to access and use the Content, materials, resources, and information will automatically terminate at the end of the license period duration specified at the time of purchase. Continued use of the Content past the expiration date of the current license requires that the license be renewed. License issue and renewals can solely be granted by Social  Studies Success, LLC.®
  • Once the license period expires and the license is not renewed you are responsible for terminating use of all Content, materials, resources, and information by preventing access to any digital resources and destroying any digital or physical copy of any resource provided to you by Social  Studies Success, LLC® as part of this licensing agreement. Failure to comply violates this license agreement and continued use of the Content without a proper license is prohibited by law. 

Refund Policy


Do you take purchase orders from a school?

Yes, you can generate a custom quote here

Do I get access to all of the files immediately with the license? 

Yes, you will have access to all of the resources immediately. Your teacher license will provide you access to all of my current resources and any resources I develop in the future.  

Are your resources modified for Emergent Bilingual students?

Yes they are! I have included word wall terms, simplified readings, and sentence stems on a majority of my resources. The simplified readings are indicated by a star for the lower reading level.   All of the resources support Emergent Bilingual students through engaging discussion strategies.

Will I receive updated and new lessons?

Yes! When the TEKS change, you will receive new lessons designed for the new TEKS! When I write a new lesson, you will receive new lessons. When I update a resource, you will receive the latest version.