Teach the Texas Regions in an exciting way – take your kids on an imaginary bus tour as they learn all about the Four Natural Regions of Texas.
Your students will take an imaginary field trip around the great state of Texas in the “Bus Tour of Texas”. Your kids will see images of the regions of Texas out of the “bus window”, and then go to 4 different bus stops at different locations around the state. At each bus stop, they will exit the bus, read information about their bus stop, answer questions and write a post card “home” summarizing what they have learned.
This resource has been modified for ELL with several different levels of readings for your students.
When you purchase this activity you will receive:
-a presentation to use as your bus tour around Texas
-a script to read for each of the different images
-a graphic organizer to take notes
-placards with readings and images for 4 different bus stops
-questions to answer about each of the bus stops
-directions for the bus stop post cards
⭐Please download the preview to see more. ⭐
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