The first week of school is rapidly approaching… are you ready? Do you have your plans yet for setting up your Interactive Student Notebook with your kids? Try these ideas this year!
When I first start teaching about the notebook, I always start with a few lessons on quality before we set up our notebook. My first lesson is my Cookie Quality lesson where we discuss the concept of quality with real life cookie examples.
I follow up with …
I start off playing the score from the movie from Itunes. I get a laugh from it even if very few kids know what it is 🙂 I then present the framework of the lesson.
I give out this handout to my students as well as several older notebooks. (Make sure you cover up the names first!) If you don’t have any notebooks of your own, check around your campus – chances are a teacher has already implemented the notebook in her class.
I allow students time to examine several notebooks. While they are looking, they need to be taking notes – what do they like in the notebooks? What do they think is messy, etc.
Once I have given my students a few minutes to examine the notebooks – I debrief the activity with these questions –
This leads into a great discussion to start off the year. Enjoy your Interactive Notebook Adventure!